Université nationale des sciences et de la technologie (NUST)

Pakistan, Islamabad , Sector H-12 Campus

Fondé en 1991 par le ministère de la Science et de la Technologie.

Financement: Public
Accréditation: Higher Education Commission, Pakistan, Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMD&C), National Computing Education and Accreditation Council (NCEAC)
Notes 3
Langues 1
Divisions 19
Frais de scolarité par an
Devise locale: PKR
82 000,00 PKR95 000,00 PKR
  • Conditions d'admission: Undergraduate: Minimum 60% aggregate marks each in Matric and in FSC (excluding NCC marks) equivalent exams. No deviation in this regard is allowed. Postgraduate: sixteen years of schooling or 4 years (130 credit hours) calculated afternFA/FSC/A Level mandatory for admission in MS/M Phil programme leading to PhD and MBA. The previous (terminal) degree or academic transcript on the basis of which applicant is eligible to apply for MS Engineering/IT/ M Phil leading to PhD must be PEC/HEC/PM&DC (as applicable) recognized with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 of 4.00 (3.50 of 5.00) or 1st Division (60% marks).
Votre devise: USD
295,10 $US341,89 $US

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