Ecole de commerce de Ljubljana (VŠPV)

Slovénie, Ljubljana , Tržaška cesta 42

Fondé en 2010.

Financement: Privé
Accréditation: Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Notes 2
Langues 1
Divisions 3
Frais de scolarité par an
Devise locale: EUR
1 448,00 €1 448,00 €
  • Conditions d'admission: Candidates who apply to the advanced bachelor study program “Market Communications and Public Relations” or Information Management for Business must have completed four years of secondary school education, the matura exam, the professional matura, and other required final exams. For international candidates, completion of the equivalent educational level in a foreign country.
Votre devise: USD
1 568,47 $US1 568,47 $US

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