Université Södertörn (SH)

Suède, Huddinge , PO Box 4101 Alfred Nobels allé 7

Fondée en 1997.

Financement: Public
Accréditation: Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKA)
Notes 3
Langues 2
Divisions 4
Frais de scolarité par an
Devise locale: SEK
50 000,00 SEK72 500,00 SEK
  • Conditions d'admission: The three levels of university studies in Sweden are bachelors (first level), masters (second level) and doctorate (third level). In order to meet the general entry requirements for bachelor courses held in English you must: - have successfully completed upper secondary education (post-16), and - be able to demonstrate proficiency in English by means of an internationally recognised test, e.g. TOEFL, IELTS or the equivalent. Some courses also have specific entry requirements in addition to the general entry requirements, such as previous university studies within a certain field (see prerequisites for each course). In order to meet the general entry requirements for master's programmes held in English you must have been awarded a bachelor's degree from an internationally recognised university. The HEI must be listed in the latest edition of the International Handbook of Universities. Furthermore, you must be able to demonstrate proficiency in English by means of an internationally recognised test, e.g. TOEFL, IELTS or the equivalent. The master's programmes may also have specific entry requirements in addition to the general entry requirements. For more information: www.universityadmissions.se.
Votre devise: USD
4 932,24 $US7 151,75 $US

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