Université des Indes occidentales, campus St. Augustine

Fondé en 1960 par le Collège impérial d'agriculture tropicale. L'un des 3 campus qui composent l'Université des Antilles.

Financement: Public
Accréditation: Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT)
Notes 4
Langues 1
Divisions 12
Frais de scolarité par an
Devise locale: TTD
6 000,00 $TT8 100,00 $TT
  • Conditions d'admission: Passes in seven subjects of which at least TWO must be at the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) or General Certificate of Education (GCE) ’A' Level while the remainder may be an acceptable pass in Caribbean Exams Council (CXC) GCE/BGCSE Examinations. nCandidates who do not possess a Grade 1 in CXC English, a Grade A in GCE ‘O' Level English Language, a Grade 1 in CAPE Communications Studies or a Grade A or B in the GCE General Paper, are required to take an English Language Proficiency Test on entry. Approved English Language Test for applicants whose first language is not English. A mark of 500 in the TOEFL will be accepted as equivalent to, and in place of, an acceptable CXC pass in English (A).
Votre devise: USD
879,67 $US1 187,55 $US

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