Université de Westminster

Royaume-Uni, London , 309 Regent Street

Fondé en 1838 en tant que Royal Polytechnic Institution par Sir George Cayley, « père de l'avion », est devenu le Polytechnic 1882, agrandi et rebaptisé Polytechnic of Central London 1970. Acquis le statut actuel et le titre 1992.

Financement: Inconnu
Accréditation: Quality Assurance Agency
Notes 4
Langues 1
Divisions 6
  • Conditions d'admission: General Certificate of Education (GCE) with passes in 2 subjects at Advanced ('A') level and with passes in 3 other subjects of General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), or passes in 3 subjects at GCE ('A') level, with pass in 1 other subject at GCSE level, including English Language and Mathematics, or Advanced General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ), or pass in a BTEC National Award or HNC/HND, or award of SCOTVEC, or recognized foreign equivalent

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